Want to hear something shocking? No, it’s not the latest celeb gossip (Miley got engaged!), or a tell-all blog post. It’s a shocking fact about our country that needs to change, and you can help.
Here are more shocking stats:
More than 46 million Americans rely on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to feed themselves or their families.
They are the elderly, people with disabilities, and some may very well be your neighbors.
Nearly 50% are children.
It’s like a punch in the gut to know that hunger is an issue faced by so many Americans. Legislation is coming to Congress soon that will cut funding to SNAP. Here are the basics you need to know.
What is SNAP? What is the Farm Bill?
SNAP is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps. SNAP helps individuals and families who can not otherwise afford to eat funding to buy food. There are income guidelines for SNAP-a typical family of four making less than $23,000 net qualifies for SNAP.
The Farm Bill is the US bill that includes legislation and funding for all kinds of farming and nutrition programs. It’s a vastly complex bill, and beyond the scope of this post to discuss all the issues, but it will affect SNAP funding-directly affecting millions of people.
What you need to know about SNAP and the Farm Bill
SNAP faces huge cuts in the Farm Bill, and would means reduction or elimination of funding for millions of Americans. In the simplest terms that more people will go hungry.
What You Can Do to Help End Hunger
Educate yourself on hunger in America, and the Farm Bill. There is a LOT to learn, and as you’ve probably guessed it’s complex, but most importantly no one should go hungry in America.
Contact members of Congress to show your support for SNAP. Call, write, email, or sign the petition at http://nokidhungry.org/farmbill.
Get involved. Share our Strength offers lots of ideas for getting involved in the fight against childhood hunger. Get your kids involved too. This nonprofit’s goal is to end childhood hunger by 2015-a goal I think we can all get behind.
For more causes I support see Centsible Good, a page devoted to doing good.
PawPrint53 says
So glad to see this. I’m also involved in hunger issues. SOS has a great program called Cooking Matters that our foodbank has started. I observed the first kid class, which was fun. The advocacy part of ending hunger is hugely important-thank you for calling attention to the issue.