14 years

December 8, 2011

in kids

14 years ago I became a mother. 14 years ago my son was born.

Today we celebrate Nathan’s 14th birthday, and I try not to cry knowing in only a few short years he’ll be off on his own, and in a few short weeks or months he’ll be taller than me. (he already up to my eyes)

I still remember the first time I held him like it was yesterday. After 9 long months and a long labor — 22 hours and no medication — we finally met our baby boy. At a whooping 9 pounds he barely fit in the newborn clothes and diapers we had to take him home in. I remember just wanting to look at him for hours.

I still think of him like this:

There was once a woman who stopped me and told me how precious he was when he was a sleepless infant. She told me to cherish every moment since it would pass so quickly. I remember thinking that I did, but I know now how fleeting that time really is to a parent.

They really do grow up in the blink of an eye. It’s amazing how fast the time has gone.

Now he towers above his siblings, speaks with a booming and deep voice, and shares our passions for books and technology.

While raising a teen isn’t always easy, I’m reminded today of how far we’ve come as a family, and how far he’s come as a person. I’m so proud of him (when I don’t want to send to him to his room for a month).

Happy 14th birthday, Nathan.

© 2011, Whalen Media LLC. All rights reserved. To repost or publish, please email Kelly.

About Kelly

Kelly Whalen is the founder of The Centsible Life, a blog where motherhood and money meet. Her goal is to help readers live well on less. Kelly is a mom to 4, and loves that she can stay at home with her kids, and still pursue her passions for writing, personal finance, and social media. You can often find her on twitter and Facebook talking money and motherhood.

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  • http://www.narrowbridge.net Eric

    That is a really touching post. Happy birthday to your baby boy!

  • http://www.moneybeagle.com Money Beagle

    That’s awesome and a very good reminder. We have a two and a half year old and a six month old. The younger one is pretty fussy so it can get trying at times, but my wife and I both try to make sure to cherish the times when she’s happy because we know that she won’t be a baby for long (as our first one taught us!)

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