14 years ago I became a mother. 14 years ago my son was born.
Today we celebrate Nathan’s 14th birthday, and I try not to cry knowing in only a few short years he’ll be off on his own, and in a few short weeks or months he’ll be taller than me. (he already up to my eyes)
I still remember the first time I held him like it was yesterday. After 9 long months and a long labor — 22 hours and no medication — we finally met our baby boy. At a whooping 9 pounds he barely fit in the newborn clothes and diapers we had to take him home in. I remember just wanting to look at him for hours.
I still think of him like this:
There was once a woman who stopped me and told me how precious he was when he was a sleepless infant. She told me to cherish every moment since it would pass so quickly. I remember thinking that I did, but I know now how fleeting that time really is to a parent.
They really do grow up in the blink of an eye. It’s amazing how fast the time has gone.
Now he towers above his siblings, speaks with a booming and deep voice, and shares our passions for books and technology.
While raising a teen isn’t always easy, I’m reminded today of how far we’ve come as a family, and how far he’s come as a person. I’m so proud of him (when I don’t want to send to him to his room for a month).
Happy 14th birthday, Nathan.
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