A bathroom remodel isn’t always in the budget, but it is possible to remodel a bathroom on a budget. There is so much I want to do to our kids/guest bathroom, but gutting it is not financially possible. However, with $500 we were able to get a great bathroom makeover .
The biggest sore spot of this bathroom, are the tile walls. Awful is an understatement. However, when you move in a house that needs a new kitchen, and other necessities, we had to leave the fully functioning yet ugly bathroom as-is. We knew $500 wasn’t going to be enough to pull all of the tile off, and then have to re-do the walls, but I was determined to make those awful tile walls beautiful.
Painting Tile
The fantastic guy at the paint section of the brand new Lowe’s store near my house, informed me that there was a primer made for surfaces like tile. I found out that you can actually paint bathroom tile! Things started to look up. I bought a 5 gal Valspar Multi Purpose primer, and paint to go over it. I was so excited, because for $50 of paint I was getting all new tile walls. I had a 20% off coupon, and went on knowing I’ll be able to get what I need. The tile walls wound up looking so fantastic. My mom thinks it looked like limestone. My dad insisted I get a light color, and he was right.
Replacing Bathroom Vanities
Next up was the bathroom vanities. Firstly, with 3 kids if you have any way to go from 1 to 2 sinks, you grab the chance. I asked my consultant, a.k.a. dad, if plumbing-wise it was out of the question to from 1 sink to 2. He told me that it wasn’t a problem, and so I decided to go for it. I want to interject something: I’m lucky to have someone who understands the intricacies with plumbing. If I didn’t have that, I would have never taken this project on. I’m so glad I did, because I asked questions, got in there and did some of it myself, which made me learn so much.
With 2 Magick Woods 24″ Dark Chocolate bathroom vanities, 2 American Standard Cypress faucets and 2 Style Selections Espresso mirrors, embracing the cabinet that was already in the bathroom we changed the whole feel. Mix all of that with our renewed tile walls I cannot believe how different it looks. This bathroom makeover was just what we needed to tide us over until we can got the whole thing. A girl can dream right?
Please Note: the $500 spent excluded all painting supplies, bathroom decor and tools I already had at home. If I didn’t have those items, I would have gone over the $500 budget.
Products Used for $500 Makeover:
- 2 Magick Woods 24″ Dark Chocolate bathroom vanities
- 2 American Standard Cypress faucets
- 2 Style Selections Espresso mirror
- 5 gal Valspar Multi Purpose primer
- Valspar Latex Paint
Disclosure: This $500 bathroom makeover was sponsored by Lowe’s Creative Ideas. However, it was designed by my inner Fashionista.