With appearances on TV shows, appearances in print, and multiple blogs, Kelly is well-versed in media from social to print. Below is a sampling of some of her work and media mentions.
For more information on how to work with Kelly please contact her at kelly@thecentsiblelife.com or see our Work with Us page.
Skimbaco Lifestyle interview
Social Dialect interview
Celebrity Parents Magazine interview
Lifetuner Interview
Real Money Radio Interview
CBN interview (video unavailable)
The Happiest Home Podcast
27 Good Things interview
Go Banking Rates interview
Television Appearances:
The Today Show
December 2008: Segment was filmed at my home, and I discussed cutting back to save money, and pay off debt. Video no longer available.
September 2009: 5 minute segment with Jean Chatzky, Hoda and Kathie Lee covering cutting back on discretionary spending. Filmed on Today Show set.
WPHL 17:
10! Show appearances:
View more news videos at: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/video.
Better Philly TV
Speaking Engagements (sampling):
Type-A Conference 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
iRetreat 2014: Unique Pitches and Proposals
Type-A Advanced Walt Disney World
Type-A Advanced Phialdelphia
Financial Blogger’s Conference 2012, 2014
Having it All: Balancing Blogging and Life
PSMM workshop: Pitches & Proposals
BlogHer 11 A Room of Your Own: How to Create a Kick A$$ Proposal
BlogPaws Conference Speaker
Push To Publish 2010
NAWBO Philadelphia: Social Media What, Why, and How to Help your Business
Bloggy Boot Camp Philadelphia
PR & Blogging Presentation
Money and Social Media at AARP
Push to Publish 2009: Marketing 2.0 Panel
Sample of Print Mentions:
Soap Opera Digest: Daytimers Fight Hunger (photo and blog mentioned in conjunction with Childhood Hunger Ends Here Campaign)
Womans’ Day magazine: Life Organization Tips
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine: March ’09 issue
AP Article: Rainy Day Funds
AFP Article: Finanical Crisis Boon to Money Management Sites
USA TODAY:Economic downturn has more folks stashing their cash
Sample Blog Mentions:
Ask Liz Weston:How to Live on One Income without Going Broke
Money Talk News: Tips from Top Mommy Savers
MSN Money Blog: Make Sure Your Trash Isn’t Really Treasure
The Consumerist: How To Decide What To Pay Your Kids
Sample Guest Articles:
Blogs.Com: Top 10 Smart Money Blogs
Wisebread: Can You Survive with One Car in Suburbia?
Bargaineering:Daycare Vs. Stay At Home: A Mom’s Perspective
To learn more about Kelly and The Centsible Life, please visit her about page.