I know, I know, you’re thinking I’m crazy to be devoting a whole blog post to the love of popcorn, but hear me out. 🙂
The reason I like popcorn as a snack is my kids are often empty pits asking for more and more and more food. We are trying to save money so I’m only offering 2 snacks a day and a big and healthy dinner. Popcorn is great since it fills them up for about an hour or so and buys me enough time to make dinner without the kids asking constantly for snacks.
Learn more: Best Gluten Free Snacks
We use organic popcorn (I’m scared of genetically modified anything, it reminds me too much of Frankenstein). It can run anywhere from $1.40-$2.19 at our local stores to buy it in bulk. Recently I found it slightly cheaper through a food buying club I belong to so I bought a 5 lb. bag.
Make Your Own Popcorn From Kernels
My favorite way to make it is to use my big stock/pasta pot. I turn it on high on my electric range (if it was gas I would turn it on Med to start) I put a small amount of safflower oil in the bottom of the pan (enough to cover the bottom to keep the butter from burning), and then adding 2-3 tablespoons of butter. Then I fill the bottom of the pan with kernels and sprinkle on sea salt. Put the lid on and give it a good shake. Once the popcorn starts popping I lift the pot and shake it then set it back down. I repeat that instantly. When it seems about halfway done I turn the burner off, and get out a large wooden spoon, take the lid off and stir the popcorn gently. When the popping is slowed down (this takes maybe 15 seconds more) I dump it into a large bowl that’s waiting. If you take to long the bottom layer gets burned.
Learn more: Healthy Snack Challenge
My favorite variation on this is making kettle corn. You just add about 2 tbsps. sugar at the beginning. You have to be a bit careful to make sure you shake it well and get it out immediately since the sugar tends to burn. The combo of the sweet and salty is SO yummy.
I think I need to make some now!
Dawn says
Yum! I will definitely try this.
Dawn says
Yum! I will definitely try this.
Brittany says
You are not crazy for devoting a post to popcorn and you make yummy kettle corn!! Can I come over and get some?
Brittany says
You are not crazy for devoting a post to popcorn and you make yummy kettle corn!! Can I come over and get some?