How would you like to be retired and still paying off your student loans? That may seem like a next generation problem, but in actuality it’s happening today. In fact in 2013 the federal government took nearly $150 million out of the Social Security checks of America’s senior citizens in order to make payments on […]
Renovate, Remodel… Relax!: Book Of The Week
This week’s Book Of The Week is Renovate, Remodel…Relax! The book is a great guide to home improvement that delves into all the details and challenges you’ll face when you renovate your home. Since home renovations are a top priority in my house and I know many readers both enjoy or need to renovate I […]
College Poor No More: Book of the Week
College. The simple word can strike fear in the hearts of parents everywhere when they consider the costs associated with a four-year degree. Whether you help your kids pay for college or not if they decide to attend college there are a lot of options they have to help cut costs and save more. That’s […]
The Opposite of Spoiled: Book of the Week
Do you love to read as much as I do? Starting now (as in today!) I’ll be sharing a new book each week. I often have requests from authors and their publishing houses to share and review books. If I said ‘yes’ to them all I’d be drowning in books! Instead I’ll be sharing info […]