This is an excerpt from Haven Life’s blog.
We all like real talk. We’ll gossip about people we know. We’ll judge parenting choices. We’ll be sure to let you know what we think about Donald Trump. We’ll even talk about things that happen behind bedroom doors.
But, when it comes to financial real talk and divulging the details of our family’s planning habits? We’re not having any of that.
You know what people hate even more at dinner parties? Talking about death. No one wants to talk about the inevitable. We’d prefer to just ignore death even though the end is going to come for all of us. Just imagine you’re sitting at a dinner table with friends. You’re all enjoying a great meal out. The kids are home, so the conversation (and the wine) is flowing. There’s a lull in the conversation between gossip about the new baseball coach and talk of your kids.
So you ask, “Have you guys had ‘the talk’ with your parents?….You know about whether they have a will and what their last wishes are?” Cue everyone looking awkwardly around and your friend saying you’re bringing everyone down.
It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Whether you’re struggling with your own parents and ‘the talk,’ trying to make plans with your spouse or partner, or want to have real talk with a friend you’re likely struggling with how to get the conversation started. I share some advice and more gifs on my post at HavenLife’s blog.
As part of our partnership I’ll also be sharing a post here at the Centsible Life on what to do before you die. Look for that next month.