Buying in bulk is a great way to save money when you know you’re going to use a LOT of something. A few of the easiest things to stock up on are: personal care products, paper products, and diapers. They don’t go bad, they can sit on your shelf for whenever you need them, and you won’t run out when you really need them.
Many people stock up on these items at club stores, where you pay a membership fee each year to shop in the store and save on supersized packages of everything from fruit to toilet paper.
But, do those club stores stack up to grocery stores? GIANT Food Stores and the folks at P&G asked me to try out their bulk packages in store to see how they stack up to club store purchases.
Save Money, Buy P&G Products in Bulk at GIANT
First let’s start with the nitty gritty: price. The prices at GIANT Food Stores are competitive, so you won’t be giving up any savings and you may actually save more. I did the math and based on similar products (priced based on say cost per 1,000 sheets) I found many items were much cheaper at the grocery store.
What about that membership? That also costs a pretty penny, while your local GIANT Food Stores costs you ZERO and they even give you money off if you have a store loyalty card!
Next let’s talk time. Do you really want to make a trip to the grocery store AND a trip to a club store? Nope. You may be able to find a variety of items in your club store (no kids, swingsets are not on the shopping list), but you won’t find it all. Save yourself time by doing your bulk shopping where you buy your regular groceries.
Lastly, I like shopping at GIANT Food Stores better than the club store. It’s less crowded, it has better hours, and I don’t end up spending unnecessary money on things we don’t need.
Bonus round. Even better than saving money, keeping that membership fee (and the $100s you’d spend on stuff you don’t need), and time you’re saving there’s even more. You’ll find special savings like this upcoming offer from P&G and GIANT Food Stores that will save you even more money!
When shoppers purchase and 3 of the products listed below at Giant you’ll save $20 instantly!
- Bounty 12 Mega Rolls
- Charmin Ultra Soft and Ultra Strong 18 Mega Rolls
- Tide liquid detergent 150 oz.
- Cascade Platinum 52 ct.
- Pampers Super packs of Baby Dry 64-104ct. or Crusiers 54-92 ct. or Swaddlers 62-100 ct.
GIANT Food Stores Giveaway
Want to try it out for yourself? Enter to win a $100 gift card, so you can buy these products at GIANT Food Stores, too!
How to Enter
Watch the video, and then enter to win a $100 gift card for GIANT Food Stores by commenting below! It’s that simple.
Giveaway Rules
Want to read our full giveaway rules? Check out all the legal info here.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by P&G and Giant Food Stores.
There are FOUR Giant stores within a 15 minute drive from my home. They have a great selection!