Summer vacation has begun! The kids are thrilled, of course. I’m thrilled that homework is over, end of school year parties and celebrations are done, and there’s no more long morning routine. WOOHOO!
We have more time to be active, more time to do fun things, and more time to do things we don’t get to do during the year (play dates, library visits, long evening walks).
Evening walk.
Strawberry picking.
Library visit. Also a picture that perfectly sums these three up. (and ironically the 4th too by NOT being pictured)
Chef Audrey Ann made gluten-free strawberry cupcakes with a chocolate covered strawberry and chocolate drizzle.
Me=trying not to freak out. Aidan=happy. Pictured in a friend’s tree.
The other part is a little rough. We’re one week in officially today, and it’s been interesting to try to juggle parenting (I swear tweens and teens need you MORE than small kids), but then it’s always a little rough during these transitions in our house. New routines, new schedules, and lots of downtime can be a recipe for disaster. We’re working on creating what I like to call a loose structure so that the kids know what’s expected of them and what needs to be done, but they have some downtime to just be kids. Playing outside, swimming, watermelon eating, and the occasional ice cream cone is on the agenda. But chores, daily reading, and exercise come first.
While some families plan a lot of activities, day camps, and more for their kids I don’t. In part it’s because I’m desperately frugal (no I don’t have $2,500 each week for camps and classes), and in part it’s because I’m a glutton for punishment.
I work from home-it’s not like I can just switch off and be mom for the summer, but I also need to be available during certain parts of the day. Our routine so far has been different every day with construction going on at our house and a variety of appointments, errands, and needs that crop up. It’s life, I guess.
New siding-before new window and trim.
The noise of this summer so far his been typing, stomping, and lots of banging and sawing on the house. Here’s hoping it involves more splashing, laughter, and quiet soon.
I’ll outline more of our summer plans tomorrow, but for today I’m signing off so we can go soak up some summer sun.
If you want to follow along in real time you can always catch my updates on my Instagram.
Have you started summer vacation yet? What are your plans?