Ready to start meal planning, but don’t know where to start? You can read the 5 easy steps we use to create our meal plan and then download the printable 2015 Menu Plan to get started and save $1,000s each year! Monday: I’m out of town! Tuesday: Birthday Dinner! It’s my birthday, so I get to eat whatever I want. […]
July Meal Plan: Week One
July is here and with it lots of summer sun, fun, and yummy foods. I’m excited for a week that has not a lot of plans on the table and lots of time to spend with the kids this week. What’s on your menu and calendar for this week? Ready to start meal planning, but […]
June to July Meal Plan
After a busy weekend in Boston (and a lot of miles on foot) we’re headed home and back to our regular schedule. This week we’re repeating meals we know everyone loves while we get back in the groove of summertime. Ready to start meal planning, but don’t know where to start? You can read the 5 […]
June Meal Plan: Week 4
With two of the kids off at sleepaway camp (read more about their camp here) our meal plan is a little more adventurous. The pickier eaters are off at camp, so we can try a few new things with the kids who will eat anything. I’m also headed to Boston next weekend for the Overnight […]
June Meal Plan: Week 2
Summer vacation is in full swing here starting this week. I’m both thrilled we don’t have a schedule to stick to and terrified of how we’re going to get everything done and still spend plenty of time with the kiddos. Ready to start meal planning, but don’t know where to start? You can read the 5 […]
June Meal Plan Week 1
It’s hard to believe it’s June already, and with it comes the end of our school year! The kids have just 4 1/2 days of school left. No, I’m not panicking about summer vacation-why do you ask? 😉 Seriously though, I think we’re all ready for a break, some unstructured time, and lots of outdoor […]
May Meal Plan: Week Three
We had quite the weekend. I will share more when I’m able to, but for now let’s say I’m counting my blessings, and we’re approaching this week with a lot more downtime planned for our family. Ready to start meal planning, but don’t know where to start? You can read the 5 easy steps we […]
May Meal Plan: Week One
We are in for some glorious weather this week in the Philadelphia area…finally! That means lots of time will be spent in our backyard working on growing grass, weeding, and hopefully planting a vegetable garden next weekend! Our trip to Florida was quick and packed, but also lovely. the weather was gorgeous, I got to […]
April Week One Meal Plan
Finally spring has arrived! I hope you had a great holiday weekend and were able to enjoy family time and beautiful weather. This week the kids are wrapping up Spring Break and we’re excited to add spring menu items to our rotating menu plan. Ready to start meal planning? You can read the 5 easy steps […]