My husband and I have been working hard to make healthier choices together. We both aspire to be healthier so we can keep up with our kids (and the dog!) and ensure that we’re around for years to come. Making healthier choices isn’t always easy, but we’ve learned (sometimes the hard way) that unhealthy choices have […]
How To Talk To Kids About Saying ‘No’ To Alcohol
One of the most important things we can do as parents is teach our children how to live their best life. While the Centsible Life often focuses on the financial aspect I recognize that there are a lot of other factors when it comes to living ‘centsibly.’ Part of making wise financial decisions and living […]
Teach Kids the Dangers of Underage Drinking with Grab the Goodies App
I’m always looking for ways to engage our kids in conversation on serious topics to help steer them into adulthood safely. These conversations come up somewhat naturally but it’s important for us to find ways to engage our kids from a young age about the dangers of underage drinking and being irresponsible with alcohol. Underage […]
How to Talk to Kids about Underage Drinking
April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and The Motherhood is working on a project with The Century Council to kick-start an online conversation about underage drinking and how we can address this tough topic with our kids. This post is sponsored as part of that initiative. Recently, I participated in a webinar and conversation with […]
Alcohol and Kids
Wine. Beer. Cocktails. (does anyone else think that’s a weird name?) Booze. photo credit: smallkaa It has different names, but it’s all alcohol. To some of us it sounds tasty, to others we could care less. As a parent though, the words alcohol and kids in the same sentence worry me. The statistics are scary-car […]