We’re always looking for ways to save money and one of the best ways to save money is to examine your monthly expenses. One of the recommendations that is pretty common budget saving advice is to check on your auto insurance costs. In fact I recommend doing so about every 6 months to a year. […]
100,000 Miles
One of the biggest accomplishments of the past few years of debt slaying has been paying off our cars. We have had two paid off cars for the last 18 months, and let me tell you it is AMAZING. In fact I never want to go back to car payments again! Thankfully, both our cars […]
Top 10 Family Cars Under $25,000
If you’re in the market for a family car have I got the post for you. AutoWeb recently ranked ALL the cars out there to help families find cars that cost less, but still work for most families. These are all brand new cars under $25,000 and they found the best of the best. Why […]
What cars earn ‘best resale value’?
I’m doing a short series on car buying since I’ve had a few reader questions recently about the car buying process. We’re also planning to purchase a new car in the next two years, so the research and info I’m sharing are also my own way of getting ready for our next big purchase. Look […]
10 Ways To Save Or Spend Your Tax Refund
It’s tax season so for many Americans it’s also tax refund season. Tax refunds may seem like a windfall, but with some well thought out planning you can use your tax refund to reach your financial goals. While you may find yourself tempted to splurge on vacation or buy a new wardrobe I have lots […]
Our Car is Dead
Our car was pronounced DOA today. Now we’re trying to figure out what to do next.
11 Ways To Save On Auto Insurance
Finding ways to save on auto insurance can be challenging, but I dug in to do some research to help us slash our insurance costs without giving up coverage. We started with a policy that we were paying $750/6 months for 2 vehicles. That included loads of discounts (multi driver, low mileage, etc.). We are […]