I dreamed about these cupcakes last night. This post brought to you by:
Frugal Fries Recipe
A great recipe for making homemade fries on the cheap. Frugal fries!
experiments in the kitchen (aka I cooked!)
nspiration struck (believe me this is rare in my kitchen!), and I made this delicious summery salad. It’s absolutely perfect for a picnic, or warm afternoon.
Peanut Rice Noodles Recipe
Yum. I missed cooking. Working part-time at the dinnertime hour has taken time away from the kitchen lately. Now that my work is ending (tonight is my last night!), I am cooking a bit more. I expect this to continue as we’re going through a belt-tightening-super-strict month. I’ll be cooking every meal, and we’ll be […]
Chicken Chili Soup
I made this yesterday and had to share. It is one of my favorite new recipes, modified from the simpler Trader Joe’s version (they include Trader Joe’s wontons which I thought tasted like cardboard!) This is especially good when you have a cold, or it’s a blustery day. The chili really warms you up! Since […]
when organic is worth it
Here’s how I break down my shopping with one eye on our health (since it saves money over time) and one on our bottom line. Dairy: we buy all organic. If you can’t find organic, find a hormone free milk (it will say it on the label). If you can find a local producer, even […]
honey: Made in China??
After reading this eye-opening article from the Consumerist I am convinced more than ever that eating local is the way to go. It’s difficult for me to believe that companies would have a product shipped all the way from China just to save a few bucks. It’s not worth my health, thank you very much […]
best snack evah: popcorn
(soon to have pictures, my uploader is being cranky) I know, I know, you’re thinking I’m crazy to be devoting a whole blog post to the love of popcorn, but hear me out. We use organic popcorn (I’m scared of genetically modified anything, it reminds me too much of Frankenstein). It can run anywhere from […]
How To: Stock the Pantry
Despite having a sizable layout our kitchen lacks usable cupboard space. We have no pantry and many of our cupboards are unusable due to the lack of shelving, or shelves that are falling apart. The previous owners did a remodel and while it looks okay on the outside, the insides of the cabinets are atrocious. […]
body+soul challenge
On the 1st the hubby and I sat down and made a list of monthly goals. In addition to the “resolutions”I have for this year, we decided to make a list monthly of 4 goals we want to accomplish each month. That way we will see the results quicker and we figure after a few […]