You know I like to save money. One area where many personal finance experts recommend cutting back is your cell phone bill. Some go as far to say a pay-as-you-go phone or flip phone are great options for the ultra-frugal. I have some choice words for that, you’ll have to rip my iPhone from my […]
iPhones: How to save on buying and using your iPhone
iPhones are expensive, but for so many people staying connected with a smartphone is a necessity. For those that don’t ‘need’ a smartphone, many find they do come in handy whether it’s getting directions, looking up phone numbers, or keeping yourself (or the kids) entertained while you wait in the doctor’s office for an hour […]
For the love of my iPhone
I have long said I love my iPhone. It’s an invaluable tool. Whether I’m in need of directions, looking up ingredients for a recipe, checking balances online, entertaining my kids, and more. It’s like carrying my social network, my camera, my video camera, and my computer all in my pocket. It’s usually somewhere nearby. I […]