7 Tips for Living on One Income (or Less)

Living on less is the key to making your money stretch further. Most financial gurus will tell you to live on a portion of your income, and bank extra income or raises. It sounds simple, but it takes some work especially if you’re accustomed to living paycheck to paycheck. Here’s are some ways you can […]

Steps to Living on One Income - Steps 7 to 9

Steps to Living on One Income 7 to 9

On last week’s post, Steps to Living on One Income Steps 4 to 6, you learned how to get yourself down to the bare bones of your family budget and have started practicing living on one income. Before I get into the final steps you should consider, I thought I would go over what I […]

Steps to Living on One Income - Steps 4 to 6

Steps to Living on One Income - Steps 4 to 6

Last week in the Steps to Living on One Income series you entered the research phase of your lifestyle change. You got buy in from those involved from the lifestyle change, you provided yourself with a very clear picture of where you and your family are financially, and you set some goals for yourself. This […]

Steps to Living on One Income - Steps 1 to 3

Steps to Living on One Income 1 to 3

For many couples living on one income is a lifestyle choice while for others it is a necessity. For whatever reason you are wanting to learn about how to live on one income there are several steps that you can follow to get your family on track. In this three-part series, Steps to Living on […]

Living on One Income: One Family’s Process

Despite living on one income seeming like an overwhelming prospect, with the unemployment rate in the United States at 8% to 9.5% it is probably a smart idea to at least think about it and perhaps set up a plan for living on one income in case the worse happens. To help you prepare for […]