During my giveaway for David Bach’s book I asked everyone to enter by telling me what your top financial resolution is for the year. I loved the responses so much, and wanted to share them with you. Save more My advice: If you are trying to save a certain amount or percentage have it automatically […]
2010 is gonna rock!
You may have noticed I disappeared over the holidays. I had planned to continue posting, but realized pretty quickly that if I was going to enjoy my holiday (and my rare time off for my husband) then I needed to put the computer and my iPhone down, and back slowly away. Slowly, so they didn’t […]
Small Rewards keep you Going
Monday is always a tough day. The girls go back to school, the hubby goes to work, and we start our weekly routines all over again. Having a “case of the Mondays” is common talk on Monday morning. (just look at twitter, or Facebook, and you’ll find someone lamenting about the day of the week) […]
Surround Yourself with Success To Be Successful
The key to success is surrounding yourself with the right kind of people. This is true for any area you are focused on in your life. If you’re an entrepreneur having friends and acquaintances who own or aspire to own their own businesses is a huge boon. Losing weight and getting fit a goal? Spend […]
Discouraged With Your Financial Journey? Try These Tips!
First, let me say a Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. I know how hard you work every day, and how much it means to your family. We had a sick day yesterday, so while I did get an awesome breakfast, and lots of napping time I didn’t spend the day […]
How To Use Passwords As Motivators
Lifehacker posted yesterday about a hack for staying motivated to reach goals by using passwords that include your goals. This is something I started doing about 6 months ago. I reached one of my goals (taking a vacation to San Francisco with my husband) before I expected to!
Motivation To Save Money: Add it Up
One of the biggest changes I have made over the last few months is due to Ramit Sethi’s $1,000 challenge. (link includes all 30 tips) Ramit challenged readers to save $1,000 in one month and shared tips on how to do just that. If you are already pretty frugal, and not a spendthrift like some […]
How To Tame Financial Fears
Some days, like today I wake up in a mood. (okay well most days I do, I’ll admit I’m not a morning person anymore) I have been looking over the next few months of bills/budgets and trying to figure out where our “extra” money should go. When I look at the numbers all tallied […]