As you may have noticed it’s been a bit quiet around these parts. I intentionally took time off near the holidays and over New Year’s, but fully intended on jumping back into Centsible Life with new ideas, new content, and lots of exciting developments in 2016. The break was wonderful, but when it came time […]
Weighty Matters
It’s been some time since I’ve shared a personal update, and I thought it was as good a time as any to share. While the website is mainly devoted to helping you live a more centsible life I know that sometimes readers want a peek behind the curtain to know more about me. I started […]
Summer “Vacation”
Summer vacation has begun! The kids are thrilled, of course. I’m thrilled that homework is over, end of school year parties and celebrations are done, and there’s no more long morning routine. WOOHOO! We have more time to be active, more time to do fun things, and more time to do things we don’t get […]
He’s okay.
Before I say anything else, I have to say he’s okay. It’s how I start before I tell anyone what happened this past weekend. On Friday night our youngest, Aidan, was struck by a car when he ran into the road. He was playing with his sister and friends when they decided to walk down […]
Vacation: Where Would You Go?
I love to travel. I’m always busy making plans and thinking about where I want to visit. Sometimes it’s a local place, but often it’s somewhere a world away. I’m plotting a solo trip for myself this summer. The question is where to go? I haven’t always been able to travel. I spent years as […]
Broken Toe Update: Getting Personal
As I’ve shared previously I broke my little toe on my left foot. I hit it on the molding between our kitchen and front hall while hopping over the baby gate we use to keep the puppy away from the front door. I don’t even know how I did it-just that it hurt like h-e-double […]
Turning Outward: Getting Personal
It’s been awhile since I shared a personal post, so I thought it was time. While I have been meaning to make this a more regular thing I don’t want them all to be so down, but that’s where I’ve been lately. Thankfully I’ve gained a bit of perspective after a rough week, and while I […]
Pinky Toe Problems
I try to occasionally share personal updates on the blog, but I find more and more often those are going on Facebook, on Instagram, or even (shocking!) on Twitter. There are a few personal updates I want to share that are longer in nature, and even though promised in 2015 I’d be more personal on the […]
Monday Musings: On 2015
If you’ve been a reader for a while you know that I occasionally share more personal updates on the website in addition to my regular content. My aim for this year is to create a little more personal space on the blog since my content tends to be more informational and I know readers enjoy […]
A Financially Balanced Life: Getting out of Debt the Slow Way
In an effort to open up on my blog I am sharing some common questions I am asked and delving in a little deeper to our personal finances. While we long ago established household rules for what is the line for our family when it comes to sharing online there is definitely more I could say, […]