I’ve noticed a trend among my friends and family. I saw a slew of Facebook updates, posts on my fav message board, and conversations with people who were cleaning up after the holidays ended.
We spent awhile over the last few days integrating all the new toys and things we were given into the house. I had done a purge of the playroom before Christmas, so it wasn’t too bad. The toys that were broken, missing pieces, or not been played had to go to make room for the new stuff. I immediately toss or recycle anything that is missing or broken. The stuff that is in good shape gets boxed up and I put it away for a month or more. If no one asks for it back (and usually they don’t) then I donate, or sell those things.
Learn more: Donations and Master Bedroom Lamp Makeover
If it’s been awhile since you’ve cleared out the clutter I recommend making more than one pass through with 3 bags/boxes. Label one box donate, one toss, and one keep. The donate box should immediately go to Goodwill, Salvation Army or another local charity. There’s a catch though, everything you keep has to have a “home.”A place it lives, and goes to when you aren’t using it.
Learn more: How To Create Toy Storage
Yesterday I took a carload of items to Goodwill, and have another small pile after finishing up today.
So now that all our new toys have found a home, including the laptop in my lap ;), we can spend the rest of our “break” playing with the kids, and relaxing. Well, as much as one can relax with 4 kids in the house.
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