Here’s how I break down my shopping with one eye on our health (since it saves money over time) and one on our bottom line.
Dairy: we buy all organic. If you can’t find organic, find a hormone free milk (it will say it on the label). If you can find a local producer, even better! We buy yogurt for example by the case from a farm that is about 20 mins. away. We get to that area at least once a month, so it’s not out of the way. They also sell organic maple syrup that they use to flavor their maple yogurt for a significant savings.
Learn more- Eat Organic On A Budget: 10 Steps To A Food Revolution In Your Kitchen
Meat/poultry/fish: I buy these items in bulk. We participate in a buying club for wild Alaskan salmon which is a huge savings. Their beef is organic, and grass fed since the nutrients and vitamin content is higher. For poultry I purchase family packs at Whole Foods, or from a local farmer.
If you can invest in a small freezer you will save a lot of $, but you can easily use your fridge’s freezer by splitting a bulk purchase among family and friends.
Learn more: 10 Steps To Go Organic On A Budget
Eggs: I buy pastured eggs, again higher nutrient content. I found a local farmer that sells a dozen for $2.79 where most grocery stores sell organic or free-range (which isn’t always free-range!) for $4+/dozen!!
Veggies and fruit: Thin skin, grown underground, or high water content=buying organic. (examples: lettuce and celery have high water content; potatoes and carrots are grown underground; peaches, plums, strawberries have thin skins) Corn I will only buy organic since conventional corn is genetically modified.
Learn more: 10 Tips For Going Gluten-Free Plus Printable Shopping List
Grains: Organic is usually the way to go. It’s not a necessity but I wouldn’t skimp on flour, or anything made with flour, or oats.
Beans/Lentils/Nuts: I usually go conventional with beans and lentils, but organic and raw with nuts.
I don’t buy snack foods or packaged foods that are conventional since they often contain things like food dye, corn syrup, hydrogenated oil, or soy in any form. (we avoid soy) It is just easier and WAY cheaper to buy things as ingredients. We don’t buy much by way of snacks or convenience foods.
Kelly says
Awesome, Jenn! I will!
Kelly says
Awesome, Jenn! I will!
Jenn says
We do Philadelphia Winter Harvest which is a buying club/CSA type thing. They don’t have any drop off points in your area Kelly but you should contact them and see if you could be a drop off location in your area.
Jenn says
We do Philadelphia Winter Harvest which is a buying club/CSA type thing. They don’t have any drop off points in your area Kelly but you should contact them and see if you could be a drop off location in your area.
Kelly says
That’s so cool you get yours for free, and you get to spread the CSA love! I wish there was a service around here that provided everything you are getting!
Kelly says
That’s so cool you get yours for free, and you get to spread the CSA love! I wish there was a service around here that provided everything you are getting!
Meridith says
CSA=Community Supported Agirculture and I forgot to mention, they are Certified ORganic, we also get our grains, chocolate, eggs, milk etc from them as well…We are able to get organic meats here through the natural store here, but it is pricey as they are all shipped here…
Meridith says
CSA=Community Supported Agirculture and I forgot to mention, they are Certified ORganic, we also get our grains, chocolate, eggs, milk etc from them as well…We are able to get organic meats here through the natural store here, but it is pricey as they are all shipped here…
Meridith says
Hi! While my hubby is deployed a year ago, I decided to just switch us all to Organic- Looking in to CSA’s in your area is great thing- We are part of a Seattle Based CSA, adn in return for being a drop off point for them here in Anchorage, they provide our produce weekly for free…It has made ahuge difference!
Meridith says
Hi! While my hubby is deployed a year ago, I decided to just switch us all to Organic- Looking in to CSA’s in your area is great thing- We are part of a Seattle Based CSA, adn in return for being a drop off point for them here in Anchorage, they provide our produce weekly for free…It has made ahuge difference!